OO here's a fun section, my likes and dislikes! This is different from my "Interests" since this lists general topics not peices of media. I'll give a silly little explanation for why I like or don't like something for each subject. Red text means I feel very strongly about it.
Things I like or love:
Marine Biology
In case you couldn't tell by my homepage, I LOOOOOVE sea creatures of all kinds! My personal favorites are deep sea creatures, things like Angler Fish and Gulper Eels. I can name all the different deep sea creatures and I used to watch the BBC documentaries about them as a kid. I used to get really scared of the Barrel-Eye Fish because when they used to show the fish onscreen they'd play really scary music and it'd freak me out. I am a big fan of sharks, specifically Zebra Sharks, Lemon Sharks, Sand Tiger Sharks and those little ones you can pet at the aqarium. It's funny because I'm actually scared of sharks when I'm out swimming. Kind of off topic but I used to love Octonauts and I still do so that really contributed to my love of sea life. I am a big fan of sea slugs and sea cucumbers. I kissed a sea cucumber once because a guy working at the aquarium told me it would give me 25 years of good luck.
I really should be bolding this but all cartoons are too broad of a term for me to really proclaim I love them. That being said WOW I love cartoons! ever since I was young I used to watch cartoons while I ate my breakfast before school. Some of my original favorites were Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the 3-D one), the Pokemon anime (specifically Black and White), Adventure Time, the Bayblade anime (the tagline always used to make my mom laugh), Regular Show, SpongeBob Squarepants, Tom and Jerry, Powerpuff Girls, Clarence, and more! I try to keep up with all the latest cartoons too but all that old stuff is what inspired me to want to be an animator.
The Unexplained (Cryptids, Conspiracies, etc)
Hoo boy where do I even start! I've always been a big fan of the unexplained, cold cases, monsters, those kinds of things. There is something so facinating about an unfinished story and theorizing about possible explinations. I'm somewhat of a conspiracy theorist myself, but moreso the tamer theories like aliens. When it comes to cryptids I know so much about them, lots of my original characters are based off of cryptids. I hope to go to West Virginia one day so I can look at all the cryptid landmarks. I think I like cryptids so much simply because the idea of cool, almost supernatural, animals living out in the world somewhere keeps life interesting. I've never really been one for ghosts actually, I'm not really a spiritual kind of guy but I'm open to it. I'm not a "true crime" fan but I like hearing about unsolved cases just to see what went wrong and what other people think.
Maybe it's because where I live we never get any rain but I really love it when it pours. I know a lot of people like the rain because of the sound. I like the sound too, I think the pitter-patter of the rain drops hitting the window or floor are nice. I like the way that heavy rain tends to down out other sounds, there tends to be a lot of noise outside my apartment so it's nice to get a break. This part depends on the area I feel like but when rain leaves mist behind? OO baby it's really nice. Not much else to it really, I like sounds and moisture so I like rain!
Character Design
Since I want to be an animator I have to design character to animate! I really like character design because it really comes down to shapes and colors. Once you master those the world is your oyster. My favorite kind of character to draw/design is a little nerdy guy, some loser with glasses. I don't know why, it's just my bread and butter. The spikey guy you see all over my page is my sona guy idk what to call him but he's really fun to draw. Now that I know the basics about colors and shapes it's fun to point out intentional choices in a character's design. I see character's designs in a whole new way now. If you want to see some characters I've designed look on my OC page!
Things I dislike or hate:
OK I NEED TO BE CLEAR. I don't hate spiders, they're important to the environment and they do some good things. HOWEVER, I'm fucking petrified of these things LOL. I really don't know why and it's really crazy I'm scared at all because I used to love spiders as a kid. Plus it's only the thin, spindly spiders I hate. I love Tarantulas but I hate Daddy Long-Legs. Oh you know what else I hate? Those Ogre Spiders, ugly motherfuckers. Sorry I don't mean to be mean but they creep me out so much I'd scream if I saw one. Generally it's the tiny thin ones I hate, I prefer hairy fat ones. The small ones are scary because you can lose sight of them and I'd rather hunt something I can see.
Green Juice
You guys probably have no idea what I'm talking about but let me explain. My mom went through a phase where she was buying stuff from a Cold Pressed Juicery. She was making me drink the stuff she got me even if I wasn't really a fan. There was this one juice that was marketed as a cure all and a "super food coctail". Let me tell you it was NASTY. It was like blended kale, broccoli, cabbage, ginger, etc. I like all these things on their own but when you combine them? No it was not happening for 8-10 year old me. To this day this kind of juice is still sold just by different companies. I see it when I go to the store and I avoid it like the plague.
Famous Young Tik-Tok Stars
I cannot belive I typed those words but it had to be said. Before I go on I'm talking about the 20 something white girls and guys who do little dances and make funny faces for like 30K a week. My main problem with these people is really just the culture around them. I know you can't control your audience but when you're actively promoting the theft of the dances you do it feels a little off. Plus, usually the dances being stolen are made by black people! So it's theft and racism! Generally I can't stand the popular Tik-Tok culture, the kinds of people who do dumb stuff for trends. Fame is just so temporary I don't get the level of desperation these 20 year olds come to to get it.
Queer Discourse
UGHHHH GOD WHERE DO I EVEN START! Twitter has rotted peoples brains I'm convinced. Half of these arguments happened 50 years ago, get with the program. I used to be really into queer discourse when I had no life and too much free time. I'm not going to weigh in on the latest drama about what label mens what and who can say what slur I'm totally over it. Why do you want to say slurs so bad? It's weird its so weird. Genuinely unplug, I just want to hang out with my friends not worry about dumb things. I wanna be clear, I do hate queer discource but the argument "people are dying" is so dumb sorry. People can do two things at once even if one of the things is infinitely dumber then the other thing.
Cringe Culture
When I say "Cringe Culture" I mean people who make fun of things other people like just because THEY think it's cringe. I've had people make fun of stuff I like and I'm so serious when I say it sucks. Maybe I take it harder because I'm autistic and in general I consume media in kind of a "weird" way but it really hurts. I don't want people to feel the way certain people have made me feel, it's not right. Enjoy what you want as long as it's not harmful. If something you like reached it's peak in like 2010 but you still like and make content for it literally power to you. Whoever makes fun of you for that sucks so much they're probably jealous you can like things without thinking about whether it's "relevant". Then again none of this applies if you like and support something that is racist, sexist, abelist, homophobic, etc. In that case go to hell LOL.